Achieving Spectrum Superiority With the Hudson Institute

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The AOC recently co-hosted a panel discussion with the Hudson Institute. Moderated by AOC President Brian Hinkley and Hudson Senior Fellow Timothy Walton, we hear from representatives Rick Larsen from Washington State, Don Bacon from Nebraska, and Chrissy Houlahan from Pennsylvania for an inside Congressional perspective on the EMSO space.

As chairs of the Congressional Electronic Warfare Working Group, Representatives Larsen, Bacon, and Houlahan offer their combined expertise on a range of topics, including the defense budget, spectrum sharing, and the microelectronic supply chain.

To learn more about today’s topics or to stay updated on EMSO and EW developments, visit our homepage.

For more information about the Hudson Institute, visit their website

Creators and Guests

Ken Miller
Ken Miller
AOC Director of Advocacy & Outreach, Host of @AOCrows From the Crows' Nest Podcast
Achieving Spectrum Superiority With the Hudson Institute
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